Open today 10:00 a.m. ‐ 5:00 p.m.
National Music Centre Announces Mid-Autumn Festival at Studio Bell, from September 20-22

National Music Centre Announces Mid-Autumn Festival at Studio Bell, from September 20-22

Festival in collaboration with Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre to feature live music from Canada’s Chinese and Asian communities

(Calgary, AB — August 14, 2024) National Music Centre (NMC) is thrilled to announce Mid-Autumn Festival from September 20-22 at Studio Bell. The three-day festival in collaboration with the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre will celebrate the music and traditions of Canada’s Chinese and Asian communities.

The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a significant cultural event traditionally celebrated by Chinese and other Asian communities, symbolizing the full moon harvest, unity, harmony, and the gathering of family and friends. NMC's festival will capture the spirit of this cherished tradition, weaving traditional and contemporary art forms together while building connections and an appreciation for different forms of music.

Over the three-day event, attendees can expect ticketed evening concerts with Jasmine Jazz featuring Jodi Proznick Trio and Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble on September 20, and instrumental fusion ensemble XIA-3 on September 21.

2023 Western Canadian Music Instrumental Artist of the Year Award Winner Jasmine Jazz brings a contemporary sound to the unusual and exquisite interplay between traditional Chinese and jazz instruments. Jasmine Jazz features musicians from the Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble and is led by JUNO-nominated bassist and composer, Jodi Proznick.

Hailing from Newfoundland, XIA-3 seamlessly blends traditional Chinese elements with Western post-rock sensibilities. Established in 2022, the band is spearheaded by guzheng virtuoso Dr. Jing Xia, and supported by seasoned St. John’s punk rockers Ritche Perez on baritone guitar and Brian Downton on drums. Tickets are on sale now for both concerts at

During the daytime on September 21 and 22, NMC will offer free matinee performances from local artists and dancers, including Calgary's Gai Lan Ensemble, the Calgary Chinese Orchestra, Zhaoli Dance School, and much more. Visitors will also experience lion and dragon dances throughout the building, a pop-up market, and hands-on activities for families. Admission will be free for all daytime activities at Studio Bell. Find the full schedule at

Additionally, NMC will host a singing contest, called Mid-Autumn Star, with one act winning recording time in NMC’s world-class studios. Emerging artists are encouraged to submit their music to be considered for the contest. The top 10 submissions will be invited to practice and perform for festival attendees during the day on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22. Then they’ll come back to perform live in the evening of September 22 for the Mid-Autumn Star Finals, where each artist will receive live feedback onstage from a panel of established musicians and industry pros. Artists interested in performing and receiving feedback can upload their submissions at by Friday, September 6 at 11:59 pm MT.

"Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated throughout Asia where music, mooncakes, lantern-making, and connecting with family and friends play a big role,” said Tony Wong, Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre’s President. “We’re excited to bring this tradition to Studio Bell, home of the National Music Centre, and invite everyone to join us for this exciting celebration of music and community."

“Collaborating with the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival is an exciting opportunity for NMC to bring a national perspective to a popular annual event among local Chinese and Asian communities,” said Andrew Mosker, NMC’s President and CEO. “We look forward to a vibrant and memorable event that will bridge traditional Chinese culture with mainstream Canadian culture, and bring people together through the universal language of music.”

To see the full Mid-Autumn Festival schedule and to purchase tickets, visit

About National Music Centre | Centre National de Musique
The National Music Centre (NMC) has a mission to amplify the love, sharing, and understanding of music. It is preserving and celebrating Canada’s music story inside its home at Studio Bell in the heart of the East Village in Mohkinstsis (Calgary) on Treaty 7 territory. NMC is the home to four Canadian music halls of fame, including the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame, the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame, and Quebec’s ADISQ Hall of Fame. Featuring musical instruments, artifacts, recording equipment, and memorabilia, the NMC Collection spans over 450 years of music history and innovation. A registered charity with programs that include exhibitions, artist development, performance, and education, NMC is inspiring a new generation of music lovers. For more information about NMC’s onsite activities, please visit To check out the NMC experience online, including video-on-demand performances, made-in-Canada stories, and highly entertaining educational content, visit


Media contact:
Julijana Capone, Senior Publicist
T. 403.543.5123 | @nmc_canada

國家音樂中心(NMC) 宣佈中秋節活動將於9月20日至22日在Studio Bell舉行


(卡爾加里,亞伯達省——2024年8月14日)國家音樂中心(NMC) 很高興宣佈中秋節將於9月20日至22日在Studio Bell舉行。這個為期三天的節日將與卡城中華文化中心合作,慶祝加拿大華人和亞洲社區的音樂和傳統。


在為期三天的活動中,觀眾可以期待9月20日的晚間音樂會,屆時Jasmine Jazz將與Jodi Proznick Trio及溫哥華中國音樂合奏團同台演出,而9月21日則由樂器融合合奏團XIA-3為大家帶來精彩表演。

2023年西加拿大音樂器樂藝術家獎得主Jasmine Jazz,將當代音樂與傳統中國樂器和爵士樂器之間進行奇妙而精緻的融合互動。Jasmine Jazz與來自溫哥華中國音樂合奏團的音樂家組成演出,並由JUNO提名的貝斯手及作曲家Jodi Proznick領導。

來自紐芬蘭的XIA-3無縫融合了傳統中國元素和西方後搖滾的感性。該樂隊成立於2022年,由古箏演奏家Dr. Jing Xia領導,並由紐芬蘭資深朋克搖滾樂手Ritche Perez(低音吉他) 和Brian Downton(鼓) 伴奏。兩場音樂會的門票現已在發售。

在9月21日和22日的白天,NMC將呈現當地藝術家和舞者的免費日間表演,包括卡爾加里的Gai Lan合奏團、卡爾加里中國樂團及趙莉舞蹈學校等。會堂內還將有舞獅和舞龍表演、快閃市集,以及適合家庭的互動活動。所有白天的活動均免費入場。欲查看完整日程,請訪問

此外,NMC將舉辦一場歌唱比賽,名為中秋明星大賽,獲勝者將獲得NMC世界級錄音室的錄音時間。我們鼓勵新興藝術家提交他們的音樂作品參賽。最優秀的10名參賽者將被邀請在9月21日(星期六) 和9月22日(星期日) 的日間進行練習和表演,並於9月22日晚間返回現場表演,並在舞台上接受知名音樂家的現場反饋。有興趣表演並獲得反饋的藝術家,請於9月6日(星期五) 晚上11:59 MT之前將作品提交至

卡城中華文化中心會長黃奇生表示:「中秋節在整個亞洲地區都有慶祝,音樂、月餅、製作燈籠,以及與家人朋友的聯繫都是這一節日的重要元素。我們非常高興能將這一傳統活動帶到國家音樂中心的Studio Bell,並誠摯邀請大家共同參與,慶祝這一充滿活力的音樂與社區盛事。」

NMC總裁兼首席執行官Andrew Mosker表示: 「與卡城中華文化中心合作慶祝中秋節,對於NMC來說是一個激動人心的機會,讓我們能夠為本地華人和亞洲社區中的一個受歡迎的年度活動帶來國家視角。我們期待一場充滿活力且難忘的活動,將傳統中國文化與加拿大主流文化相結合,並通過音樂這一普遍語言將人們聯繫在一起。」


關於國家音樂中心 | Centre National de Musique
國家音樂中心(NMC)的使命是增強對音樂的熱愛、分享和理解。在其位於Mohkinstsis(卡爾加里)東村心臟地帶的Studio Bell中,保存和慶祝加拿大的音樂故事。NMC是四個加拿大音樂名人堂的家,包括加拿大音樂名人堂、加拿大鄉村音樂名人堂、加拿大詞曲作家名人堂和魁北克的ADISQ名人堂。NMC收藏包括樂器、文物、錄音設備和紀念品,涵蓋了450多年的音樂歷史和創新。作為註冊慈善機構,其計劃包括展覽、藝術家發展、表演和教育,NMC正在激發新一代音樂愛好者。欲了解更多關於NMC現場活動的信息,請訪問。要在線了解NMC體驗,包括點播視頻表演、加拿大製作的故事和高度娛樂的教育內容,請訪問


Julijana Capone 高級公關
電話: 403.543.5123